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12 März 2021

Colin Moore

Global Chief Investment Officer

Relationships are not easy: US equities versus Treasuries

As the economy recovers and cyclical stocks begin to outperform, we look at the connection between equities and US Treasury yields.
Read time - 5 min
6 Januar 2021

Dara White

Global Head of Emerging Market Equities

Global emerging markets: gaining momentum

Despite its huge impact, the Covid-19 pandemic has done little to disrupt the powerful structural trends driving growth in emerging markets, and we expect those trends to gain momentum in the coming year
Read time - 5 min
20 März 2020

Anwiti Bahuguna

Head of Multi-Asset Strategy

Rezessionsrisiken: Coronavirus, Ölpreisschock, was kommt als Nächstes?

Erst wurde eine Angebotsknappheit befürchtet, nun droht ein Nachfragerückgang. Die Rezessionsrisiken sind hoch.
Lesezeit unter - 5 min