CT Net Zero Transition Buy and Maintain Credit Funds

An actively managed buy and maintain credit strategy with a formal commitment to net zero

The strategy provides exposure to credit markets through bonds that mature over discrete periods. This provides stable income, minimises transaction costs and aligns cash flows with future liabilities. The strategy implements explicit net zero targets with assets being managed under a Net Zero Framework.

Our experience

26+ years

Experience of managing buy and maintain credit


Managed globally in buy and maintain credit*


AUM in strategies explicitly linked to ESG criteria*

* Source: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, data as at 31 December 2023.

Our approach

1. Fundamental stability of revenues and cashflows:

Our approach to investment grade credit is based on high-quality, bottom-up, issuer research. For buy and maintain, this is tilted towards stability of revenues and cashflows which enable the companies to withstand shock.

2. Team-based approach to investment grade:

A team of over 20 dedicated portfolio managers and analysts, debating issuers, industries and market outlook, results in the best investment decisions for our clients.

3. Downside Risk Management:

We understand that in this asset class we risk our clients’ capital to earn stable cash flows. Downside risk management is the main starting point to managing credit portfolios successfully.

David Dudding

David Dudding

Gestore di Portafoglio


Maturity buckets:

2024 – 2030
2031 – 2038
2039 – 2046

Maturity buckets:

2024 – 2030
2031 – 2038
2039 – 2046

Expected return:

Gilts + 1.0% over a full market cycle

Expected return:

Gilts + 1.0% over a full market cycle

Base currency:


Base currency:


Launch date:

October 2024

Launch date:

October 2024

Management style:

Maturing Buy and Maintain

Management style:

Maturing Buy and Maintain

ESG style:

ESG Elevated*

ESG style:

ESG Elevated*

Number of issuers:


Number of issuers:


Credit rating:

BBB- or above at purchase

Credit rating:

BBB- or above at purchase

Issuer exposure:

AAA: 5%; AA: 3%; A: 2%; BBB: 1.5%; Sub-IG: 1.5%

Issuer exposure:

AAA: 5%; AA: 3%; A: 2%; BBB: 1.5%; Sub-IG: 1.5%

Interest rate exposure:

At least 50% GBP bonds.
Portfolio hedged to GBP

Interest rate exposure:

At least 50% GBP bonds. 
Portfolio hedged to GBP


Hedged to GBP


Hedged to GBP


Luxembourg FCP


Luxembourg FCP

* Source: PRI definition: uses ESG factors to assess the sustainability of companies and countries.

ESG objectives

Implementation of ESG objectives aligned to Article 8 under SFDR*

Carbon emissions reduction aligned to a global Net Zero pathway:

  • ‘Top-down’ portfolio emissions reduction in line with a global net zero pathway
  • ‘Bottom-up’ assessment of asset alignment and target for at least 70% of portfolio emissions to be aligned or aligning

Elevated standards of sustainability:

  • Limit investment in Weapons, Tobacco, Fossil Fuels and Electricity Generation

Enhanced standards of good governance:

  • Formal review policy for lowest ESG scores and companies with severe breaches of UN Global Compact Principles

*Article 8 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) requires that financial products promote environmental or social characteristics

Meet the team

Richard Ferris
Client Portfolio Manager, LDI
Rebecca Seabrook
Portfolio Manager, Fixed Income
Andrew Brown
Portfolio Manager, Fixed Income

Hear from the team

Our approach


The Funds


Providing you with the right solution


A commitment to net zero



Endgame – the benefits of ‘buy and maintain’ credit

Exploring credit as an option for defined benefit schemes looking to reduce risk and seeking reliable cashflows.

Allocating to credit step by step

In our latest Trustee Training video on credit investing, we dive into journey planning and look at two low dependency credit strategies available to maturing pension schemes.

No Autumn chills for Global Investment Grade Corporate fundamentals

IG valuations remain tight, and the market remains focused on whether this is justified by fundamentals. Our bottom-up company analysis shows profitability remains strong and leverage modest.

CT Net Zero Transition Low Duration Credit

A short-dated global credit strategy with a formal commitment to net zero by 2050.

CT UK Social Bond

Woven for social impact and long-term returns.

No Autumn chills for Global Investment Grade Corporate fundamentals

IG valuations remain tight, and the market remains focused on whether this is justified by fundamentals. Our bottom-up company analysis shows profitability remains strong and leverage modest.

Full fund details

Visit the fund page for key facts, prices, fund codes, fees and charges, portfolio holdings, monthly commentaries, all the key regulatory documents, plus performance information once available.

CT Net Zero Transition 2024-30 Buy and Maintain Fund

CT Net Zero Transition 2031-38 Buy and Maintain Fund

CT Net Zero Transition 2039-46 Buy and Maintain Fund

CT Net Zero Transition Low Duration Credit

A short-dated global credit strategy with a formal commitment to net zero by 2050.

CT UK Social Bond

Woven for social impact and long-term returns.

CT Net Zero Transition 2039-46 Buy and Maintain Fund

Get in touch

If you'd like to find out more about this fund, contact your local sales representative.

Important information:

For marketing purposes. Your capital is at risk.

Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) LDI (“the Fund”) is an alternative investment fund (AIF) for the purpose of the European Union Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (Directive 2011/61/EU) (the “AIFMD”). Threadneedle Management Luxembourg S.A. is the alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) of the Fund.

The current Prospectus and summarised investor rights, as well as latest financial reports can be obtained from the AIFM, as described in the Prospectus. Please read the Prospectus before taking any investment decision. Threadneedle Management Luxembourg S.A. may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of the Fund.

This material should not be considered as an offer, solicitation, advice or an investment recommendation. This communication is valid at the date of publication and may be subject to change without notice. Information from external sources is considered reliable but there is no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness.

In the EEA: Issued by Threadneedle Management Luxembourg S.A. registered with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (Luxembourg), Registered No. B 110242, 44 rue de la Vallée, L-2661 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The AIF has NOT been approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”) for offering to non-qualified investors pursuant to Art. 120 para. 1 of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes of 23 June 2006, as amended (“CISA”). In addition, the management company has not and does not intend to appoint a Swiss representative or a Swiss paying agent for the shares offered in Switzerland. Accordingly, the shares may only be offered or advertised, and this information may only be made available, in Switzerland to qualified investors within the meaning of CISA who are not high-net-worth individuals (or private investment structures established for high-net-worth individuals) having opted out to professional client status under Art. 5 para. 1 of the Swiss Federal Act on Financial Services. Investors in the shares do not benefit from the specific investor protection provided by CISA and the supervision by the FINMA in connection with the approval for offering.

In the UK: Issued by Columbia Threadneedle Management Limited, No. 517895, registered in England and Wales and authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. In the UK: notification has been made to the UK Financial Conduct Authority for the Fund to be marketed in the United Kingdom under the UK Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1773). The Fund is a collective investment scheme pursuant to Section 235 of the United Kingdom’s Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended (“FSMA”). It has not been authorised, or otherwise recognised or approved, by the FCA and, as an unregulated scheme, it cannot be promoted in the United Kingdom to the general public. Prospective Investors are advised that all, or most, of the protections afforded by the United Kingdom regulatory system will not apply to an investment in the Fund and that compensation will not be available under the United Kingdom Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

© Columbia Threadneedle Investments. Columbia Threadneedle Investments is the global brand name of the Columbia and Threadneedle group of companies.