Threadneedle Pensions Multi Asset Fund

The Multi Asset Fund is suitable for those investors seeking equity like returns in a less volatile manner through a Fund that has hard wired broad diversification limits. The Fund does this by setting broad parameters around equities, fixed income and alternatives. The Multi Asset Team is responsible for the overall portfolio construction, being guided by the Asset Allocation Strategy Group. A group consisting of nine senior investors in the firm including representatives from the Multi Asset Team.

Reasons to invest

Hard-wired diversification:

The strategy has maximum and minimum asset class holdings, that have been developed via scenario testing to achieve equity like returns over the longer term.

Active management:

The strategy is actively managed within its strategic asset allocation parameters and is actively managed at the security level.

Diversified sources of return:

The strategy looks to take advantage of three sources of return; asset allocation, investment themes a stock selection

Investment approach

The Asset Allocation Strategy Group uses the output from Columbia Threadneedle Investment’s three main research groups to formulate its macroeconomic and thematic views, and defines the investment environment used to build multi asset portfolios. This is combined with a valuation framework across all asset classes, and is used by the group to determine its preferred asset allocation.

Process Insti

Key Facts

To achieve a level of income with the prospect of capital growth over the medium to long term
Lower volatility than an equity only portfolio, approximately two-thirds the volatility of equities
Neutral Allocation
Equity 40%
Launch Date
Fixed income 30%
Alternatives 30%
Asset Allocation Limits
Equity 30-50%
Primarily through internal strategies
Fixed income 20-40%
Alternatives 20-40%
Sources of Return
Asset Allocation and Stock Selection
Lead Portfolio Manager
Alex Lyle
UK Life company
Long only, unlevered
Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF)
35 bps


5 March 2025

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

What’s next for markets?

Low inflation and falling interest rates make risk assets attractive, especially in the US. But should investors be worried about how much good news is priced in?
3 March 2025

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

Is the new President pushing the US into recession?

The economic numbers in the US have taken a decided turn for the worse recently. Consumer confidence has tumbled, consumer spending was weak in January and the closely watched composite purchasing managers’ index has fallen sharply.
24 February 2025

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

As UK inflation heads towards 4% are further rate cuts off the agenda?

UK inflation is on the up and CPI numbers for the year to January jumped to 3% from 2.5% the previous month. Energy prices will rise 5% in April and council taxes and water bills are also increasing.



Key Features Document effective date October 2024


Key Features Document effective date April 2025

Key risks

Investment in Funds: The Investment Policy allows the fund to invest principally in units of other collective investment schemes. Investors should consider the investment policy and asset composition in the underlying funds when assessing their portfolio exposure.

No Capital Guarantee: Positive returns are not guaranteed and no form of capital protection applies.

Issuer Risk: The Fund invests in securities whose value would be significantly affected if the issuer refused, was unable to or was perceived to be unable to pay.

Liquidity Risk: The Fund invests in securities whose value would be significantly affected if the issuer refused, was unable to or was perceived to be unable to pay.

Interest Rate Risk: Changes in interest rates are likely to affect the fund’s value. In general, as interest rates rise, the price of a fixed rate bond will fall, and vice versa.

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