Ensuring universal acess to basic infrastructure and services

A robust telecommunication network ensures that people in both urban and rural areas have equal access to communication resources, bridging geographical divides and fostering social and economic development across the country. More specifically, it plays a pivotal role in digital inclusion and affording underserved and rural communities the same opportunities and resources as their urban counterparts, ultimately reducing inequalities.
The Fund also invests to support infrastructure development in more economically disadvantaged countries. Investment in telecommunications infrastructure extends its impact by enabling access to a global pool of information and educational resources.
The portfolio includes investments across different transport subsegments, such as rail in the UK. Investment in transportation infrastructure plays a crucial role in addressing inequality by improving access to economic opportunities, education, healthcare, and other essential services for disadvantaged communities.
Facilitating more efficient movement of goods and people drives regional development, particularly in underserved areas.
There is also a growing focus on reducing the sector’s environmental impact through more sustainable practices and updating existing infrastructure. Investments in communication infrastructure can lead to reduced carbon emissions and decreased traffic congestion, as they enable remote communication, reducing the necessity for physical travel.

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