How far will UK house prices fall?

Our Chief Economist, Steven Bell discusses difficulties that lie ahead but suggests markets may become more positive as 2023 progresses.
Where to next for global financial markets?

We face a painful economic crunch this winter before we can look to recovery in 2023.
When will central banks stop hiking rates?

Our Chief Economist, Steven Bell considers the issues facing central banks and suggests that 2023 could be a time to add risk to portfolios.
Keep Calm and Carry On

Liz Truss’s short Prime Ministerial term was accompanied by the greatest volatility in the long history of the UK government bond market.
Is the turmoil in the UK over?

With a new Prime Minister set to be announced, Steven Bell considers whether the turmoil in the UK is over and suggests further sterling weakness could be on the cards.
Where to next for the UK?

The UK’s reputation as a well-managed economy has suffered badly while at the same time expectations for interest rate hikes in the US and Europe have shifted upwards. All this puts pressure on the UK. Chief Economist, Steven Bell, assess the implications for the economy and sterling.
A chaotic start to the quest for growth

Using three charts as the focus, Robert Plant, Portfolio Manager, Multi-Asset Solutions, considers whether following the volatility triggered by the controversial UK mini budget, things are now set for a slightly calmer course.
Assessing the impact

A range of factors have driven the rapid growth in sustainability-orientated investing. Greater awareness of issues like climate change mean that individuals are increasingly keen to align their investments with broader beliefs and consumer behaviours. At the same time, regulatory shifts mean that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related factors and preferences need to be considered as part of the financial planning process.
The calm before the storm

The astronomical autumn, defined by a 23.5 degrees tilt of the earth’s rotational axis in relation to its orbit around the sun, officially began on 23 September this year.
Have we avoided a financial crisis?

Is the dramatic U-turn on the higher rate of tax, by the new Chancellor, enough to avoid a financial crisis in the UK? And could the German government’s plans to cap their energy bills help in the process? Chief Economist, Steven Bell, appraises the latest policy developments.