For the future you imagine

ISA Deadline - 5 April 2025


Whatever future you imagine, help make it possible with an Individual Savings Account (ISA)

From buying your first home, securing a comfortable retirement or saving for your children’s future, the reason we invest can change with time. However, no matter the future you imagine, help make it possible with our ISA’s.

Key benefits:
– Invest from as little as £25 per month or initial £100 lump sum
– Enjoy a simple flat fee with no online dealing charges

Choose from a diverse range of expertly managed investment trusts, from UK to global portfolios, with focuses on income, capital growth and a mix of both, there will be something to suit your goals.

Remember, when investing in an ISA, you can benefit from no tax payable on income earned and no Capital Gains Tax on investments.

Our Savings Plans

CT Individual Savings Account (ISA)

A savings plan with no income tax or capital gains tax paid on any profits.

CT Lifetime Individual Savings Account (LISA)

For those aged 18-39 saving for their first home.

CT Junior Individual Savings Account (JISA)

A tax-efficient head-start for your child’s future.
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Reasons to choose Columbia Threadneedle for your Stocks and Shares ISA

No online dealing charges

Investments using our Investor Portal mean you won't pay dealing charges. Government stamp duty and Annual Management Charges apply.

Benefit from our expertise

We can trace our investment roots back to 1868 when F&C Investment Trust started.

Responsible Investing

We've led the way in responsible investing for over 35 years, engaging with 5,500 companies we invest in to ensure ESG is a key consideration.

Investment Trust options

Whether it's growth or income you're looking for, our range of investment trusts could meet your investment needs.

Getting started is easy

3 steps towards
your goals

Choose a savings plan

Select the savings plan that's right for you.

Choose your strategy

Choose which of our investment trusts you would like to invest in.

Invest in your future

Decide how much you'd like to invest. Starts from £25 per month or £100 lump sum.

Let's talk about risk

The value of your investments and any income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the original amount invested. Gearing is used for investment purposes to obtain, increase or reduce exposure to an asset, index or investment. The use of gearing can enhance returns to investors in a rising market, but if the market falls the losses may be greater.

Choose Columbia Threadneedle

There are lots of reasons to choose Columbia Threadneedle, here’s a few:

  • All our saving plans allow you to take advantage of our investment trusts
  • With our investment trusts, you’ll have access to a diversified and professionally run portfolio of shares, no matter how much you invest
  • Our range of trusts give you plenty of choice. You can invest in a specific region or assets like property, equities, bonds and private equity.
  • We can trace our investment roots back to 1868, when F&C Investment Trust, the world’s oldest collective investment fund launched, and have been adding to our offering ever since.
A man and a child sitting in front of a laptop
Gentleman with glasses

Explore our investment trusts

Find out all you need to know about our expertly managed investment trusts. Whether you are looking to invest in UK or European smaller and mid-sized companies or global diversified portfolios, with a regular income, long-term capital growth or a mix of the two there will be something to suit your goals. 

Invest now

– Invest from as little as £25 per month or £100 lump sum
– Enjoy a simple flat fee with no online dealing charges
– Choose from a diverse range of investment trusts to suit your goals

Information in this section of the Website is directed solely at persons who are located in the UK and can be categorised as retail clients. Nothing on this website is, or is intended to be, an offer, advice, or an invitation, to buy or sell any investments. Please read our full terms and conditions and the relevant Key Information Documents (“KID”) before proceeding further with any investment product referred to on this website. This website is not suitable for everyone, and if you are at all unsure whether an investment product referenced on this website will meet your individual needs, please seek advice before proceeding further with such product.