Decoding Active Management
The Private Investor’s Toolkit
A fund manager keeps investors up to date with their investments through a variety of different reports and commentaries. Here, you can learn more about this content as well as other tools you should arm yourself with in order to maintain your investments.

- MONTHLY COMMENTARY IN A FACTSHEETEvery fund manager is responsible for providing a monthly review and outlook for the fund to accompany the performance data in the factsheet. Investors in these funds can benefit from reading these closely to check they are happy with the manager’s decisions.
- NEWS & REVIEWSEvery six months the fund manager provides a detailed breakdown of all the stocks bought and sold throughout the period including their rationale for those decisions. It also includes their outlook for the coming six months.
- ONLINE VALUATIONS TOOLOnline valuation tools such as ‘MyThreadneedle’ provide investors with a real-time view of their investments and access to educational content on funds, asset classes and market trends.
- STATEMENTSOn a bi-annual basis every investor receives a breakdown of their investment holdings and the value it has accrued over the period.
- FUND MANAGER VIDEO UPDATESFund managers may record videos to provide investors with updates on their funds and outlooks for markets – look out for these across Fund group and platform websites.
- SOCIAL MEDIAFund managers may share market insights, details of their daily activities and commentary on asset classes across the fund management group’s social media feeds. This helps to keep investors engaged with the people managing their money.
- DEEPER INSIGHTSSensible investors will constantly read third party publications such as newspapers, magazines and investing websites, to learn as much as they can about the global economy, company news, market movements and anything else that may have an impact on their current and future investments.
- EDUCATIONFinancial Services uses a lot of jargon and complicated terminology. On our website there is a glossary to help simplify the content for investors.
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Millions of people around the world rely on Columbia Threadneedle Investments to manage their money. We look after investments for individual investors, financial advisers and wealth managers, as well as insurance firms, pension funds and other institutions.
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Columbia Threadneedle Investments has a comprehensive range of investment funds catering for a broad range of objectives.
Types of investment
We offer a broad range of actively managed investment strategies and solutions covering global, regional and domestic markets and asset classes.