About us

Learn more about CT UK Capital and Income Trust (CTUK).

Julian Cane
Director, Portfolio Manager

CT UK Capital and Income Trust (CTUK) looks to generate long-term capital and income growth for its investors by investing in companies which have good long-term prospects with attractive returns on invested capital, but whose share prices may not fully reflect this.


This could be because of adverse sentiment, possibly from short-term difficulties, or simply because they are unfashionable. Many of the stocks purchased have a higher than average dividend yield.

Key facts about CTUK

0 %
Net dividend yield*
as at 31.01.25

The CT UK Capital & Income Investment Trust (CTUK) offers the best of both worlds; the potential for long-term capital growth and a regular, growing income.

  • Dividends increased annually since launch in 1992, paid quarterly and grown significantly faster than inflation
  • Diversified portfolio focusing on well-established UK companies
  • Targets long-term capital and income growth
  • Many of the stocks purchased have a higher than average dividend yield

Investment Risks

The value of your investments and any income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the original amount invested. Gearing is used for investment purposes to obtain, increase or reduce exposure to an asset, index or investment. The use of gearing can enhance returns to investors in a rising market, but if the market falls the losses may be greater.

CTUK Fund Facts

Key Dates
Annual general meeting
Year end
30 September
Dividends paid
March, June, September, December (Quarterly)
Results announced
May (half yearly) November (final)
Investment Manager
Columbia Threadneedle Investment Business Limited
FTSE All-Share Index
AIC sector
UK Growth and Income
Launch date
Total assets
£362.2m as at 31.01.25
Net Dividend Yield*
3.81% as at 31.01.25
Ticker symbol
Meet the CTUK Board
Nicky McCabe
Chair of the Company
Patrick Firth
Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and Senior Independent Director
Dunke Afe
Chair of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Christopher Metcalfe
Chair of the Management Engagement Committee
John Blowers
Non-Executive Director
10729, 13382, 10727, 10731, 16974

Invest now

Columbia Threadneedle offer a range of Savings Plans designed to make investing easy.
Start from £25 a month or one off £100, and there are no charges when you deal using our Investor Portal.

*The yield is calculated on an historic basis using the actual dividends paid during the last twelve months and the closing share price as at the end of the relevant month.

Information in this section of the Website is directed solely at persons who are located in the UK and can be categorised as retail clients. Nothing on this website is, or is intended to be, an offer, advice, or an invitation, to buy or sell any investments. Please read our full terms and conditions and the relevant Key Information Documents (“KID”) before proceeding further with any investment product referred to on this website. This website is not suitable for everyone, and if you are at all unsure whether an investment product referenced on this website will meet your individual needs, please seek advice before proceeding further with such product.